Functions of a Master Teacher in Education
These are the questions that I researched:
1. Who are the master teachers?
Master teachers are effective and efficient teachers. They are key players in the student teaching experience, serving as a model of good teaching and lead a full life of love, courage and hope. The master teachers watch his co- teachers interact with students, parents and colleagues. The master teachers also help his co-teachers prepare and present lessons. They assess other teachers’ strengths and areas needing improvement. And facilitate those who are in need of strategies and techniques of teaching. They should be equipped with knowledge and skills to promote quality education. If his co-teachers know ten strategies of teaching, they should know more than that.
2. What are the roles of Master Teachers?
a. help the school head in facilitating teachers and students to promote quality education
b. must be accessible to all
c. has pleasant attitude
d. serve as facilitators for the effectiveness of the teaching-learning process by demonstrating new strategies and techniques
e. make innovations
f. conduct action researches
3. How will you help a teacher?
a. establish rapport
b. Assess their needs, potentials , weaknesses and strengths
c. give inputs ex. strategies, new instructional materials
d. Monitor whether the inputs are effective or not.
e. Evaluate
4. What do we mean by GOOD TEACHER?
A selfless teacher toiling uncomplainingly, diligently, honest in abnegation makes our a happy world.
G -Generous not only in monetary value but also in extending services to his students, parents, colleagues and community people without expecting any return at all.
O - Obedient. A good leader and good follower to his superior.
O - Observant. He is a keen observer of the current trends and issues in education in order to keep track of the current strategies, approaches techniques and methods.
D - Dedicated to service without counting the number of hours rendered in school. He is punctual in reporting for duty and the last to go home.
T - Talented. He has special natural ability or aptitude.
E - Efficient. He does right. He is diligent in performing his daily tasks,
submit reports before deadline and is punctual.
A - Active in all activities in school.
C - Creative. Original in his creative works.
H - Honest in filling up forms like DTR.
E - Effective in delivering the goods and services to the pupils He simplify techniques that suit to the abilities of learners.
R - Research –Oriented. He is useful to improve instruction research and extension as well as production.