All About Myself
I graduated Bachelor of Elementary Education as my second course last March 2003 at Misamis University, Oroquieta City. My first course is Bachelor of Science in Computer Science which I studied at Misamis University Ozamiz City and graduated last October 1997. However, I took and passed the Licensure Examination for Teachers with a rating of 79.60% last October 1999 after earning 21 units education subjects at Southern Capital Colleges. I was hired last September 27, 2004 and now I am presently assigned in a prestigious school of Talairon Central Elementary. I am teaching English, Makabayan and Character Education subjects in all Grade III pupils. I have 26 lovely pupils and an adviser of this homogeneous section. I really enjoy teaching these subjects especially the English subject for not only my pupils learned many things but myself as well. Since education is a lifelong process,I never stop studying for I believe this is one way of improving myself and growing professionally. I believe that I can teach out better by continue studying that is why I enrolled subjects in Master of Arts in Education and I earned 42 units at Misamis University that made me more polished and knowlegeable in handling different kinds of learners in terms of their learning styles, behaviors and interests. It is my great gratitude to our potential intructors in this school for they taught us well. They transcend their good values in teaching to us so we can develop also our pupils into a more useful individual in the society.