The Teachers' Will to Survive

Posted by Shyle on 2:14 AM in

Teaching is indeed a noble profession which is chosen by some but disliked by many, a call for someone to serve, mold values, knowledge and skills of children coming from different family backgrounds. This is indeed a vocation that one must do with devotion.
In our present situation, many problems arise. One of these is the economic problem. Everyone suffers most especially the poor ones but one needs to manifest the will to survive to be able to do so.
As teachers who pledge to give quality education to children face a dilemma , struggles and most times great determination to perform its duties despite the problems that he has as a person and a teacher, his home life and field life.
It has been a fact for so many years that until now we are still struggling to improve the quality of education we have and this is because of the lack of government funds to our agency. Many educational types of equipments are not present in most schools especially in the local areas. Buildings and teachers do not compliment the number of pupils. These problems result to children’s lack of interest in going to school and burden to teachers.
But teachers are creative, hungry for innovations that the government may provide to make education fast and easy. Teachers are very willing to attend seminars to learn new techniques and methods in teaching and even spend personal money for the great aim of improving also the kind of teaching he has been performing in his classroom because as what everybody observes new things, new ways excite pupils to learn and appreciate the significance of education.
Teachers come to school, see the faces of their children, some are happy others are sad. As second parents to them though they also have their own problems but these are on the spot put aside to attend the problems and worries of his children. Teachers get affected to the kind of life that his children live. He visits the homes of these problem pupils and from there learn that mainly the reason is poverty, a problem that the whole world is facing.
These are some of the major problems that teachers are living to. But since teaching is a service he has no other choice but to do his best to help his pupils despite of the fact that he has his own problems too. That is why teaching needs a lot of courage because it is in this field that you get to experience many things that no amount of money can bring .When you see that your pupils learn and achieve the dreams that they wanted despite of the hindrances, however tired and sometimes angry you are you can never hide a smile in your face.



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