Innovative Teaching Strategies
Text twist is a popular online game in the internet wherein jumbled letters are to be twisted in order to form different words. It can be a 3-letter, 4-letter or 5-letter words depending upon the level of the pupils. The player who can form the most number of words will be the winner.
To play text twist game inside the class without using a computer and internet, empty red dye and tycoon boxes were recycled and utilized. The front and back sides of the boxes were pasted with different letters in bigger size to attract the eyes of the pupils and could arouse their interest.
This strategy can be used as motivational activity, unlocking of difficult words, or guessing the concept of the lesson.
“Tell Me What to Do” game is a game where pupils will give a 2-step or 3-step directions out of the empty bottles and boxes inside the big box. They will pick one, read and then give directions on how to use those things inside the box.
This strategy uses big empty box and covered with colored cartolina. It was pasted with computerized direction in big letters and colorful border. Then, it was placed with different empty bottles and boxes like lotion, perfume, cologne, face powder empty bottles and toothpaste, soap, multivitamins empty boxes.
This can be used as a motivation of the lesson, development, review or group activity.
Pick and Act game is a game wherein pupils will pick one cut-out inside a big box with action word attach on it then let them act out. This game has a driver (pupil volunteer) who will bring the toy train nearer to the pupils to let them pick and act.
This is made up of two empty boxes of fun chum juice which are covered with colorful cartolina and pasted with a picture of a jeep where the directions of the game can be read. The two boxes were connected with a cord so that it will look like a train. Cut-outs of different animals and fruits were placed inside the boxes as if they were passengers of the train.
The words can be changed such as nouns or adjectives depending upon the lesson. This can be used as motivation, drill and exercises.
Word Bank Strategy is a strategy wherein different and varied words are in printed and pasted in a colorful cartolina strip and placed in old basket. This is used to enhance pupils reading skill including vocabulary building and spelling. The pupils will pick one strip inside the basket every morning. They will know the correct pronunciation of it correctly and memorize the spelling to be ready for the follow-up of the teacher during the 15 minute free reading after flag ceremony. Pupil’s names will be drawn by lots and the names drawn will be the one to tell the word they pick, pronounce it correctly and tell the correct spelling.
What’s D’Word, That’s D’Word game is game where pupils will guess the word that can be formed out of the scrambled letters inserted in the bamboo strip inside an old folder.
It is made up of old long folder which is decorated with flowers and borders. A thin sheet of bamboo 12x1 inch long is attached inside the folder vertically which is used in inserting the letters. Letter cut-outs from the decorations used from any activities were collected and gathered to be used in the game.